Ozark Slow Food Micro-Grants 2020

Ozark Slow Food Micro-Grant Applications 2020

Ozark Slow Food’s Micro-Grant Program was established in 2012 to help grow the local food culture in Northwest Arkansas by supporting local farmers and producers. These grants are funded by support from the community via funds raised through fund-raisers featuring local food as part of the event.

Micro-grants aid farmers and producers in diversifying and enhancing the production and distribution of sustainably grown, locally-produced food in the region. Award amounts range from $100-$1000.

The deadline for the current round is January 3, 2020. To learn further details and apply, you can download the application HERE.
OSF Micro-Grant Application – blank

Or use our new fill-in form button-micro-grant
Send your application to ozarkslowfood@gmail.com

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